Why choose e-Careerpluz?

Skill Development

Skill Development

Improve your professional skills with our course.

Quality Training

Quality Training

Improve the quality of your work and reduce errors

Expert Tutors

Expert Tutors

Learn from certified instructors with extensive experience in utilizing these tools in professional settings.

Flexible Learning Paths

Flexible Learning Paths

Start your learning journey with flexible learning time and convenient learning modes

Hands-on learning

Hands-on learning

Get hands-on experience through interactive labs, real-world scenarios, and projects that simulate workplace tasks.

Real-Time Projects

Real-Time Projects

Learn with real-time projects that can improve programming efficiency

e-Careerpluz's course structure is designed to cover the fundamental and advanced aspects of this course. Each module builds on the previous one, and the final project allows learners to apply their knowledge in a practical situation.

  • Overview of Structural Analysis and Design
  • Overview to STAAD Pro Connect Edition
  • Overview of Fundamentals
  • GUI - Creating and opening a new file - Unit System & Coordinate system - Navigation & Mouse Controls
  • STAAD Editor
  • Grids & Types of Grids
  • Node Creation: Snap Node, Node table, at overlapping beams, Insert Node for single and multiple members, using STAAD Editor - Beam Creation:
    • Snap beam,
    • Using beam layout,
    • Connect beams along,
    • Point to point,
    • Between midpoints,
    • Perpendicular intersection,
    • Curved member and using staad editor
  • Structure Wizard:
    • Units,
    • Creating truss,
    • Creating frame,
    • Creating continuous beam,
    • Creating cylindrical frame and beam model,
    • Editing parameters,
    • Transferring the model to staad pro,
    • Adding items to the library.
  • Select Menu
  • Model Editing Tools for beam: Split, stretch, break, Merge, Renumber and Move
  • Model Editing Tools for node
  • Move, Merge & Renumber
  • Translational Repeat Circular Repeat
  • Mirror Rotate
  • View Tools
  • Material Specification
  • Section Profile Specification
  • Member Orientation
  • Member Specification: Axial Actions, Member end release, Member Offset
  • Support Specification
  • Group Specification.
  • Creating a Primary Load, Adding Self weight
  • Nodal Load
  • Member Load:
    • Uniform Force and Moment,
    • Concentrated Force and Moment,
    • Linear Varying Load,
    • Trapezoidal Load,
    • Hydrostatic Load,
    • Pre/Post Stress
  • Area Load
  • Floor Load
  • Wind Load:
    • Defining Wind Load,
    • Wind Load case
  • Load Combination:
    • Defining Load Combinations,
    • Automatic Load Combination,
    • Edit Auto Combination Rules
  • Introduction to Analysis.
  • Introduction to FEM
  • Plate Generation: 3 or 4-noded 2D plates, Surface objects with holes
  • Add Plate: Triangular plate, Infill plates
  • Generate Meshing: Plate Meshing, Surface Meshing
  • Solid Generation: Solid 3D bricks from 4 to 8-noded
  • Composite Decks
  • Structure Wizard: Surface, Plate & Solid Models
  • roperty Specification: Thickness.
  • Plate Load:
    • Pressure on Full Plate,
    • Concentrated Load,
    • Partial Plate Pressure Load,
    • Trapezoidal Load,
    • Hydro-static Load
  • Element Joint Load
  • Moving Load
  • Reference Load & Repeat Load
  • Batch Design Vs Interactive Design
  • Concrete Design in STAAD.Pro: Column Design, Beam Design
  • Steel Design in STAAD.Pro
  • Design of Overhead Transmission Line Towers
  • Report Generate.

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StaadPro Training in Madurai Overview

e-Careerpluz offers STAAD.Pro course in Madurai, which is the most powerful and widely used software for structural analysis and design. We offer a comprehensive suite of tools for modeling, analyzing, and designing a variety of structures, including buildings, bridges, towers, and industrial facilities. For more details, Click here.

  • STADD Pro programming is broadly utilized in the structural analysis and designing structures-towers, bridges, buildings, transportation facilities, utility and industrial structures.
  • Learn how to interpret analysis results and evaluate the structural performance under different loading conditions.
  • Learn how to define concrete materials, sections, and reinforcement properties.
  • Learn how to define steel sections, connections, and member properties. It can be used for designing, modeling, and analyzing various structures and structural configurations.
  • Designs include building structures incorporating culverts, bridges, petrochemical plants, piles, tunnels, and construction materials such as concrete, timber, aluminum, steel, and cols-formed steel.
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Mode of Training

In-person Training

Benefit from hands-on practical sessions and real-time demonstrations.

Virtual Training

Engage in live, interactive sessions with instructors and fellow learners.

College Training

Customized training programs delivered to Colleges at their premises.

Self-Paced Training

Access pre-recorded lectures and course materials at your convenience.

Hybrid Training

Attend select sessions in the classroom while accessing the remainder online.


Perfect for learners looking to acquire targeted skills quickly.

About Certification of StaadPro course in Madurai

Upon successful completion of the course, an ISO 21001:2018 affiliated certificate will be awarded to ensure quality education.

Our certification is aligned with IAO standards and the United States Board for Education Standardization (USBES) which are valued abroad and can be used for Indian Gazetteer purposes.

Moreover, after completing 3DS max course students will get be provided IEEE affiliated certificate.

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